Cassette Tape Player VS MP3 Portable Player (Worksheet 3B)

Speaking Worksheet 3B

Cassette Tape Player

Cassette tape is a retro device because it was invented around 1962, you need the cassette and the player to play the audio inside the tape. The player has a function button which is, rewind/playback button, play button, fast forward button, record button. It is not so portable but still, you can carry the player and the tape as well and put it on your bag, so you can carry your device to travel around and enjoy the music along the road.

The first thing I recall when I write this article is a tape player called Walkman by SONY because it was so popular when it came in 1978. The size is not so big and you can take the Walkman anywhere you like and it is powered by a battery

Mp3 player

The mp3 player is a device which can play audio with format '.mp3' and can be played with a device. There are two kinds of '.mp3' player, the one is using CD and the other one is using some kind of pocket devices. It has a function button as well and as time goes by, nowadays Mp3 portable player has a ‘Touchscreen’ technology so it makes easier to use than before. The device uses a battery to operate and memory to save the '.mp3' so it displays on the screen. 

This device was invented in the 1990s and so popular around 1997s, many people use it for their activity such as jogging, people in a bus, train or any vehicle, etc. It is so portable because its size is small and easy to carry around, Apple is one of many companies that made the mp3 player as well, it is called the iPod, it was so popular back then but it cost much more money than the other brands.

Cassette Tape Player VS Mp3 Player

The big difference between these devices is size and it is portability, of course, Mp3 Portable Player more compact and portable and easy to use, and you can change the music so easy not like the cassette tape player you must press the rewind or forward button to play previous music, with Mp3 portable player you just can tap the music you want to listen because of the Graphic User Interface make it so simple.
On the other side, the cassette tape player is big and is not a really wise choice if you want to carry around because of its size.

But If you ask me what will I choose between these two devices? Well, I will definitely choose the Cassette Tape Player, why? Here is why. It is cannot be denied that the mp3 portable player is easy to carry around and does not make your pocket slot full, and you can put it anywhere, like a pants pocket, bag or any other small pouches. And I think that's the only pro side on the mp3 portable player. And I think this device is already replaced with the smartphone or smart watches which can make the same function as the Mp3 player even better.

On the other hand. Why I prefer the cassette tape player over the mp3 player? Cassette tape can become a rare item and you can collect it if you are a collector or you just love music from the 1970s - 2000s. And It can be a memento. It just so cool to have a cassette tape player in 2019 and show it to your friends or you just love to listen to the good old music.


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